Sunday, July 21, 2013

Big Changes Coming Up 곧내생활많이 바궈겠네요!

In 2 weeks Im going to move back to the US to attend Indiana University for the second year of my MBA program.  This means big changes for my racing since I will be going back to collegiate racing and probably not doing any regular races.  Also I will be racing for my alma mater Purdues rival.  Its going to feel really strange the first time I race or even wear an IU jersey but Im looking forward to hopefully getting another shot at collegiate nationals both on the mountain bike and for road.  Im also looking forward to the riding in Bloomington which has lots of nice hills and quiet roads.  Hopefully there are some good placed to ride mountain bikes too. 
My final race in Korea was the Yang Yang MCT race and I DNFed because I didnt feel good and wasnt going to place well.  The race was held on a super difficult course and I wish I would have just stuck it out and finished now.  If I come back to Korea to work after graduating then I will definitely have to be in better shape if I want to race that course again!  That was my last race here and I wont be racing again until September when the collegiate mountain bike race season starts. 
Hopefully I will be back in great shape by then.  My parents recently moved to Santa Barbara, CA and I will be spending 10 days there in August.  It should be a great place to train with nice weather and lots of climbing.  Im hoping to be able to do some epic mountain bike rides there too.  I need to get some of my mtb skills back after living in Seoul and not being able to ride single track for a year.
Im looking forward to going to the US to study for the year but Im definitely going to miss everyone here in Korea.  Especially my Cannodale-Neowood teammates who Ive raced with for the past 3 years.  Hopefully I get a chance to come back and work in Korea again in the future.
2주후에 미국다시가야해요인디엔나주립대학교 2학기동안공부할거에요 그래서 내자전거타는것도좀바궐거에요.  9월부터 나 산악자전거 대학부로 탈거에요인디에나근쳐에 대학교 챔피언쉽 프리테스트 같은대회몇게타야하고  10월말에 미국 노스케로라이나에서 대학전국챔피언쉽탈거에요봄에도 로드 대학부대회도탈거에요
근데 이거 좀이상할거에요 왜냐하면 내 대학원  내대학교랑 라이벌이에요.  Purdue 대학교학생들  인디엔나대학교생 안좋아했어요 하지만 이제 나도 곧 인디엔나대학교져지입고대회뒬거에요
나지난 양양MCT 대회 DNF으로했어요나 잘못타고있어서 그냥 끊었는데 지금생각하고 끝까지타야했어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ나 그대회부터 자전거 안탔어요미국가면 다시시작할거에요그때부터 대학부 산악자전거시합준비열심히할거에요
몇 달전에 우리 부머님 캐리포니아로이사했어요.  10일동안 켈리포니아에서 자전거많이탈거에요부머님사는거 자전거천국같은거예요산이많고 산악자전거 싱글도많고 1년동안서울에서 살았어서 산악자전거 싱글타기너무 그리웠어요켈리포니아 가면 많이탈거에요!
미국가는거 재미있을거야지만  나 한국인 친구 많이 보고싶을거에요케논데일 네오우드 팀원들 그리고 다른친구다 9개월동안 못만날거에요대학원 절업하면 한국 일하로 다시 와볼거에요!