After the disappointment of racing poorly at Iceman I took a
week off biking but I started up training again soon after. I realized that I always have problems
with my asthma every fall but luckily it isn’t a deterrent to being able to go
for normal rides or lift weights.
So I’ve started up with my
winter base training which basically follows a pretty simple plan. I lift weights twice a week and then go
for long rides on the other days when I have time. Luckily the weather has been pretty ok the last few weeks
and I have been able to get some good rides in.
IU doesn’t have many group rides but I did manage to get out
on a ride with the club president Paul a few weeks ago. I wanted to do dirt roads in the
Hoosier National Forest south of Bloomington but Paul was on his TT bike. Lucky for me he said he was ok as long
as we avoided roads with lots of loose gravel. We ended up having a really epic ride and discovering some
awesome roads to ride. We also
crossed a closed down bridge that was built in 1893! We finished up our ride at Steak and Shake to refuel. I think Paul may have broken the world record for
longest dirt road ride on a TT bike.
This last week I had a great solo ride too. I went out on my
mountain bike and rode some of the forest roads in Yellowwood state forest in
Brown County. These roads were
awesome with nice long gradual climbs and basically no cars. I road for almost 3 hours on these
great forest roads. The one
disappointing thing about living in Bloomington though is the lack of single
track that you can ride too. There
are tons of hiking trails and horse trails around but almost all of them are
closed to bikes. It really makes
me miss Korea where almost every hiking trail is open to mountain bikers. For Thanksgiving I’m in Colorado with
my family. It’s the first time we
have all been together in over a year! We are going to go to Steamboat springs
and go skiing. Should be a great
break! Happy Thanksgiving!
나 이제 베이스트레이닝 다시시작이에요. 마지막대회 천식때문에 잘못탔지만 일주일쉬고 다시트라이딩시작. 내천식 가울에 심하지만 그냥라이딩이랑 웨이트트레이닝
할수있어요. 내 베이스트레이닝계획은
매주 두번 웨이트트레이닝하고 시간이있으면 다른날에 긴라이딩해요. 11월에인디에나날씨 괜찮았어서 좋은라이딩 몇번있었어요.
우리 대학교자전거부 같이라이딩 많이안하지만 지난주 나 회장 이랑 너무재미있는라이딩했어요. 우리대학교근쳐 임도같은 도로 많은거있어요,
Hoosier 국립숩. 거기안에 Dirt Road(임도같은거)너무많아요. 나회장이랑 거기서 50키로정도 dirt road에서 싸이클탔어요. 그데회장이 티티바이크타고갔어요. 이라이딩 아마도 새계최고 긴 임도 티티바이크로
라이딩이였어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ.
이번주도 나 혼자 재미있는코스탔어요. 옐로우드 주림숲에서 너무 좋은 산악자전거 길있었다고들었어서 그쪽 으로 갔어요. 나 3시간반동안
임도 타고 왔어요. 이길너무
아름답고 사람찐자없었어요! 근데 여기 싱글많이없어요. 그래서 한국조금그리워요! 한국에 등산로있으면 자전거탈수있는데 우리대학근쳐
사람이없는 등산로 많지만 산악자전거금지ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ.
나 양지 살때 좋은싱글너무많았어요 여기 임도만탈수있어요.
이번주 미국 추수감사절이에요 그래서 일주일학교 방학이에요! 나가족만나고 콜로라도에서 놀거에요.
우리 유명한 Steamboat Springs 스키장가서 스키탈거에요. 우리가족일년동안 다같이 못만나서 너무즐거울거같아요! 햎피 땡스기빙!