Last weekend was the first time I have ever ridden my bike to watch a bike race I think. The second qualification race for the amateur Tour de Korea was being held about 25 miles north of my house and I rode out to watch with Aaron and Luis. We made really good time on the way out and arrived much earlier than I expected. The race was a bit boring to watch as there weren't many attacks that really gained any ground and the course was a just a big oval. It was interesting to see a 300 person field split up with the final pack containing around 120 riders. Some young looking riders took the top spots and from what I can see the Pro Cycle team will be like what the Biclo team was last year with a lot of young guys who are training to be pro Keirin riders on the team. All of my teammates were also out watching the race so it was great to get to see everyone for the first time since the Jeju trip.
On the way back we rode over several big climbs. The area south of where to race was held is my favorite area to ride that I can get to from my house by bike. I showed Aaron and Luis all of the great climbs in the area. In total we got a little over 4 hours in with about 5000ft of climbing on a 100km loop. I feel like my training is going much better than last year and hopefully that will show at the Tour de Korea at the end of April.
지난일요일에 나 친구 두명이랑 티디케이 프리테스트구경하고 탔어요! 오랜 만에 보는 사람이 많았어서 줄거웠어요! 우리 팀 들도 타왔어요! 우리 타는 팀 들타 페스 할거같아요. 그대회 300명 있었지만 마지막 앞그릅 한 120명 남았어요. 프로 싸이클 top 10사람이많았어서 내 생각 프로 싸이클 장년 바이크로 처럼 탈거예요.
집다시 오늘 길 탈때 우리 코스 좋은 크라임 많이있었어요! 남양평 북여주 쪽에 내 제일 좋은 집에 까가원 코스이에요. 일요일 에
다른 사람 들 같이 처음 타봤어서 기쁜 좋았어요! 장년 보다 나 트레이닝 더 잘하고있어요! 이 번 티디케 장년 보다 더
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